Moenwyda Blysswyn
Moen | 27 | she/her | bi | ♓
no minors
sometimes NSFW
i don't RP, sorry!
RT heavy
You can find my attempts at writing on my AO3 linked on the homepage!
Moenwyda Blysswyn | Sea Wolf
Born in Old Sharlayan to Sea Wolf parents, Moenwyda was brought to the Sharlayan colony in Dravania when she was small. When the order came to abandon the colony, her parents chose to stay and fight. This choice ultimately cost them their lives.An orphan, Moenwyda was sent to Gridania to be cared for. She dedicated her time to studying conjury and botany. When she wasn't reading, she could be found befriending the Sylphs and Qiqirn in her free time.At 18 she joined the Adventurer's Guild with dreams of seeing Eorzea and one day, her homeland.She cares deeply for man and creature alike, always happy to lend a helping hand to those who need one.She is close friends with Khloe Aliapoh, donating money and resources to the orphanage. More than once the Scions have caught her asleep in a chair by the fire after reading to the children.A skilled craftswoman, Moenwyda loves making gifts. Clothing, pressed flowers and herbs, potions, her skills span multiple disciplines.